Installation Requirements

CheckoutWC requires a few things to run properly. 

PHP Version 7.3 or later

CheckoutWC requires PHP version 7.3 or later. PHP 8.x is recommended for best performance.

Which version of PHP should I update to?

Ideally, you should upgrade to the latest version your web host offers. Most sites can upgrade to PHP 8+ without issues.

How do I update my site’s PHP version?

Most web hosts can easily update your PHP version. In most cases, you can upgrade within your web hosting control panel or by submitting a support ticket to your host.

WordPress 5.2 or later

You should be running the latest version of WordPress at all times for the best security and performance. However, we do support WordPress 5.2 and later for sites with unique circumstances.

Run the latest version of WooCommerce

While CheckoutWC will likely work with many older versions of WooCommerce, we recommend running the latest version of WooCommerce.

Supported Browsers

For information on which browsers we support, check out or guide: Supported Browsers