Local Pickup

Local Pickup allows your customers to opt to pickup their purchase and skip all shipping related fields. It is available for Plus, Pro and Agency license holders.

Here’s a quick demo of it in action:



    1. You should turn off this setting in WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping options: Hide shipping costs until an address is entered. Leaving this on may prevent customers from matching a zone until they have entered an address which will be impossible for pickup customers.
    2. Starting with CheckoutWC 9.0, CheckoutWC will add an ad-hoc local pickup shipping method to each of your shipping zones automatically.

Steps to Enable Local Pickup

Go to WP Admin > CheckoutWC > Local Pickup and check the box to enable Local Pickup.

You’ll see a few options:

  • Local Pickup Option Label: Allows you to change the label of the pickup option to something else. Default is: Pick up
  • Local Pickup Shipping Methods: These are the options that CheckoutWC should treat as ‘pickup’ options. These options will be hidden from customers who select ‘Ship’ as their delivery method. Conversely, only these options will be shown if you choose to use the Enable Shipping Method Step option described below.
    • Selecting ‘Other’ reveals an Other Shipping Method field. This can be the name of another shipping method that is not available in the general list. This would primarily be used when your pickup option comes from an API and isn’t explicitly listed in your shipping zone.
    • Enable Regex tells CheckoutWC to use ReGex to match against the Other Shipping Method field. Allows multiple methods to be matched with the other field. Example: .pickup.*
  • Enable Shipping Method: If you have more than one pickup option, or you are using a plugin like IconicWP Delivery Slots, you will want to enable this option so that customers are able to select those additional options / methods.

Add a pickup location

Go to WP Admin > CheckoutWC > Pickup Locations and add at least one pickup location using the ‘Add Pickup Location’ button.

  • Title: The title of your pickup location shown to customers. Example: Tiffany’s – Times Square
  • Address: The address customers should go to to pickup their merchandise
  • Estimated Pickup Time: The amount of time a customer should expect to wait until their order is ready for pickup.
  • Pickup Instructions: Any information a customer needs to pickup their order. This information is shown on the thank you page. Example information: Please wait to receive an email from us confirming your order is ready. Once you arrive, head to the customer service desk. Operating hours are 8-5AM M-F.

What happens when a customer selects pickup?

When a customer selects pick up, a few things happen instantly:

  • The shipping address is hidden
  • The shipping total is relabeled ‘Pickup’
  • The shipping address review at the top of the payment screen switches verbiage to ‘Pick up in store’
  • The shipping method selection step is either hidden (recommended) or renamed to Pickup.

Accessing and Displaying the Selected Pickup Location Data

The easiest way to display the pickup location information is with this shortcode:


Programmatic Access

Pickup locations are stored as a Custom Post Type with the slug cfw_pickup_location.

When an order is submitted, the selected pickup location ID is stored as meta on the order:

Order Meta Keys

  • _cfw_pickup_location: The post ID of the pickup location

Pickup Location Custom Post Type Meta Keys

  • cfw_pl_address: The address field for the pickup location
  • cfw_pl_estimated_time: The estimated ready time
  • cfw_pl_instructions: The pickup instructions

The name of the pickup location is stored as the post title.

How can I add pickup time slots?

Currently CheckoutWC doesn’t have a time slots feature. That may be added in the future.

For now we recommend using a plugin like IconicWP’s Delivery Slots plugin. 

When using a plugin like this, you will want to enable the Enable Shipping Method Step option described above.